The Best 'Rainbow Brite' Stuff Money Can Buy

In nostalgic news of the day, The Mary Sue says that there is going to be a Rainbow Brite re-boot. Yes, that's right — strap on your color belt, sprinkle the world with sunshine happiness, and don your twee-est outfit, because it's time to celebrate. Rainbow Brite now joins the ranks of popular '80s franchises like My Little Pony, which had a cartoon reboot, and Strawberry Shortcake, which came out with a new line of toys; comebacks among people who love anything with a flying horse and glitter are so hot right now.
Emily Osment, who is most known for her role on Hannah Montana, will be voicing the titular rainbow-haired cartoon lady. She let us all know the sparkly news when she Instagrammed a photo of the script of the first episode, "Cloudy with A Chance of Gloom" (why so emo, Rainbow Brite?). The photo alerted all of us who are part of the Color Kids gang that we should assemble and prepare ourselves. She wrote:
First day on the job! Very stoked to be back doing some animation this summer. See you soon! Love, Emily aka Rainbow Brite.
Get your flying horses ready! There is going to a lot of glitter up in this animated house.
So how does one celebrate the return of Rainbow Brite? By assembling your finest Rainbow gear and memorabilia! Like...
This used Rainbow Brite bed spread!
Nothing says "sweet dreams" like the year 1983.
A little miniature Rainbow Brite and her glittery companion, Twink.
Ah, Twink. The furry companions to end all furry companions.
A Color Cottage Fit For A Doll!
Ugh, I have such intense apartment envy. This is real estate porn, I tell you.
This Super Cool Backpack
A perfect place to store all of your sparkles.
This Starlight Pillow
The One and Only Color Belt
Make it sparkle like it's 1983, girl.
Image: DIC Entertainment, wree/Instagram, cameelo/eBay, mimiskids2/eBay, lucyfan1959/eBay, AkabiSelectboutique/Etsy, AlienCoutureUK/Etsy, costumeville/eBay