
We Need Jenny & "the Guys" To Help These 5 Songs

by Rachel Semigran

On Tuesday morning, indie singer-songwriter and the universe's eternal art school crush Jenny Lewis released a music video for her new single "Just One of the Guys." The clip features the likes of Lewis' pals Anne Hathaway, Kristen Stewart, and Brie Larson break-dancing and dressed in drag. So much for getting any work done before 10 AM today, eh? The hilarious video has Hathaway, Stewart, Larson and Tennessee Thomas (drummer for The Like) playing as Lewis' chic back-up band before they transform into their boy band personas. Sure, I could watch Lewis in a magical rainbow suit crooning all day, but I much prefer Hathaway rocking a rat tail and Stewart putting Justin Bieber to shame.

After the video blew up all over the Twitosphere, it seems like One Direction and their boy band brethren will have to go back to the drawing boards to compete with these hysterically earnest mustachioed ladies. Maybe it's the single tear running down Hathaway's face or the way Larson perfectly nails the heartthrob smirk, but it feels like the landscape of boy band videos has just been permanently altered by Lewis and company — and we're all better for it.

In fact, there are a puh-lenty of classic boy band videos that I'd gladly see re-made by Jenny Lewis and her band of "The Guys." Here are the top picks:

The Ballad

Why We Need Jenny and the Guys: All-white linen outfits billowing in the wind. Sweeping desert scenes. Endless extra-close close-ups. All of the beautifully choreographed finger snaps and arm gestures. It is the ultimate boy band video and we NEED to see how Jenny and the Guys would take it on.

The Dance Hit

Why We Need Jenny and the Guys: Not only would we get to see the Jenny and the Guys boy band personas transform into mega-sexy monsters, we'd also get to see 'em exercise those acting skills.

The New School

Why We Need Jenny and the Guys: Far FAR too many gender stereotypes to subvert here from the original.

The Big Budget Smash

Why We Need Jenny and the Guys: There's just so much intense pelvic thrusting in this video it would be a disgrace to NOT have Jenny and the Guys take it on.

The So Bad It's Good

Why We Need Jenny and the Guys: Because they'd take it to a far less glamorous bridge than the Golden Gate and it would be just as sweeping and ridiculous.

Image: Jenny Lewis/ YouTube