Rihanna Made a Long-Sleeved Swimsuit Look Hot

Long-sleeved, wet suit-style swimsuits have always seemed so uncomfortable that they practically make me break out into a heat rash just looking at photos of them online. Wouldn't a long-sleeved swimsuit, by all logic, make you feel like you've been vacuum sealed into a plastic bag in 100 degree weather? I generally prefer my swimsuits with a little breathing room, thankyouverymuch. However Rihanna recently rocked a long-sleeved swimsuit that makes them seem very cool indeed.
There's plenty of irony in the fact that Rihanna, Queen of Nudity, caused me to see the light on this very covered-up beach look. But allow me to point out that this long-sleeved bikini top is leopard print with giant bird's wings on the chest and sleeves, accompanied by a barely-there thong bikini bottom, so I'm not about to re-crown the singer as Rihanna, Queen of Poolside Modesty. She's definitely still flaunting it, as she should be. But I'm proud of her for showing us all that long-sleeved swimsuits don't always make us resemble extras on the set of Blue Crush.
I can feel your skepticism burning through my laptop screen. You're thinking "Ain't no way, ain't no how am I wearing a bathing suit that will suction all parts of my upper torso in like a shirt made of Spanx." Well sorry to disappoint, but your mind is about to change.
And see, here, how Rihanna's long-sleeved bikini top transforms into an adorable crop top when paired with denim cutoffs post-swim? Beachwear and clubwear in one shot!
Told you so. If you're wondering where you can get a long-sleeved swimsuit of your very own, I'll point you toward this California Palm Print option from ASOS, which has a similarly tropical vibe to the one Rihanna is wearing in these photos. Happy swimming!
Images: jennnrosales/Instagram, Rihanna/Twitter (2)