The Nominations Are In! (Spoilers)
Big Brother 16 just keeps trucking along and with this week's Heads of Household decided on Thursday night's episode, it's almost time for another battle of the block, another veto competition, and another person to leave the house. But let's not get ahead of ourselves! The first step is for this week's HOHs, Derrick and Nicole, to nominate houseguests for eviction. While the episode showing the nominations won't air until Sunday, they've already been decided in the Big Brother house and there are already four more houseguests on the block.
It's been reported by Big Brother Updates that Derrick nominated Caleb and Jocasta, and Nicole nominated Donny and Amber. As for why Derrick and Nicole would choose these nominees, it's not as clear cut as, say, one of Devin's maniacal plans on the surface. But once you hear what went down inside the house, these nominations would seem quite as random. nicole told devin, " caleb volunteered to go up.
Derrick was part of the Bomb Squad — does the Bomb Squad still exist? Does anyone even know for sure? — and he helped save alliance member Zach when Devin, also an alliance member, put him up for eviction. Caleb is another Bomb Squad member, and has been close to Devin, so it would seem that Derrick is trying to split up that relationship up by putting him up against a non-threatening floater like Jocasta.
Surprisingly, the person really speaking out about things here is Nicole who, according to Big Brother Leak, told Devin "We had to put up four pawns because you are the target!" Apparently, Caleb volunteered himself to go up in order to help with the plan of backdooring Devin. (Hooray!) Caleb is a strong competitor, so if he throws the Battle of the Block competition and then wins the Power of Veto, he'll be able to take himself off the block and Devin can go up. Or this can happen a number of other ways — I'm pretty sure everyone wants Devin gone.
Unless you watch the live feed, you'll have to wait until Sunday to find out how this plays out. Until then, just ponder all the possible ways this could go down after the Battle of the Block and the Veto Competition. You'll probably need a whiteboard or some sort of chart.
Image: CBS