11 Pinterest-Worthy Quotes About Love

When I'm scrolling through Pinterest on my phone late at night because I can't fall asleep, I'm usually looking for new outfit ideas, recipes, or nail art tutorials that I'll probably never do. Occasionally, a sappy quote about love or breakups will catch my eye, and I'll be like, "Oh, that's really poignant" or "Oh, that's really insipid" and then keep pinning tiny cupcakes and impractical shoes. Sometimes I'll stop and think about it, although I'd much rather gather meaning and inspiration from books, poetry, or song lyrics than from context-less, often anonymous words.
But (and you know there's a but, since this whole post is about love quotes) a lot of quotes have stood the test of time and are inspiring even when we don't always know the context in which they were said. The words are so true that you can't help but think, "Wow, this is perfect. It's something I've always felt, but haven't been able to verbalize." Once in a while, I definitely have moments like that. Here are a few examples of famous love quotes that are worth staying up all night and pinning.
1. Vincent Van Gogh
Because love is a work of art.
From Van Gogh: The Self-portraits by Fritz Erpel
2. A.A. Milne
Best friends stick together — for their entire lives.
From Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A. Milne
3. Peter Ustinov
To forgive is divine.
4. Walt Whitman
The rest is unimportant.
5. Bruce Springsteen
Love is mad.
6. African Proverb
Together is better than alone.
7. Emily Bronte
Love is a unity of souls.
8. Maya Angelou
Love is as unique as a fingerprint.
9. Kaui Hart Hemmings
Here's how you know whether you're in love.
10. Oscar Wilde
A good rule to go by.
11. Anais Nin
What a vivid description of the depths of love.
Image: Fotolia