This Is The Best Photobomb Ever

All those brides-to-be making alternate wedding arrangements for bad weather, don’t bother. You may as well make the most of any inclement conditions, because extreme weather wedding shots are set to become the latest fad in nuptial photography, it seems.
A few weeks ago I wrote about a couple whose wedding photos were backlit by a raging wildfire, to stunning effect. Well, it’s happened again, except this time it’s a tornado adding interest to a Saskatchewan, Canada couple’s wedding shots (insert puns about wedding day being "a whirlwind" and the couple being "swept off their feet," here).
Rather than relocating and seeking shelter from the cyclone, the newlyweds used the twister as a backdrop and struck a few poses for the camera. The album, which photographer Colleen Niska published on Facebook yesterday, has been shared almost 15,000 times. “I’ve dreamed about a day like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!," Niska wrote on her Facebook page. "Could NOT wait to post these! Pretty sure this will only happen once in my lifetime!” Having a tornado crash a wedding isn’t what most little girls and boys envision happening on their special day, but maybe that should change.
My personal favorite photo is this oh-so-casual shot of the couple strolling hand-in-hand and looking longingly into each others' eyes as the twister ravages the landscape behind them.
Fortunately, the tornado was far enough away that the wedding party was safe and the winds only managed to blow over the reception tent, according to CTV.
Oddly enough, this isn’t the first wedding photoshoot featuring a tornado. Back in 2012, a Kansas couple also had their shots photobombed by a twister. Next thing you know,people will be requesting extreme weather backdrops and scheduling their weddings for days forecast with torrential downpour or tsunami warnings. Here's to hoping "Natural Disaster Nuptials Photography" becomes the next extreme sport....
Images: Photography by Colleen Niska / Facebook