If you're anything like me and are pretty much tearing your hair out from the agony of waiting for David Fincher's upcoming adaptation of Gone Girl, good news — we've finally got some new promotional material! Sure, it's not a new trailer or anything (though that is, apparently, coming on July 7...until then, we're still stuck rewatching the first trailer over and over) but it is something: A new poster for Gone Girl , featuring a photograph of stars Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike in character as Nick and Amy Dunne during happier times...their wedding, specifically. And said photo? Of course, it's in an evidence bag. Yikes.
If you're not familiar with the plot of Gone Girl, which is based off of the book of the same by Gillian Flynn, the story surrounds Nick Dunne during the aftermath of his wife's apparent kidnapping. The media blames him, and, as readers, it's not clear whether or not he's guilty — but, of course, not everything is ever as it seems in mystery novels. That in mind, Nick and Amy's wedding picture being in an evidence bag actually makes a lot of sense: There's a lot of secrets between the two that are definitely evidence when she disappears.
You can check out the poster below — and, for any of you eagle-eyed viewers, maybe pick out other plot hints hidden in the poster? Anything's fair game when it comes to this movie.
Gone Girl, directed by Fincher, will hit theaters on October 3.
Images: Twentieth Century Fox