
Kate Is Literally a Human Emoji at Wimbledon

by Tanya Ghahremani

Even if you're not totally about dat royalty life, it's hard to deny that the pictures of Prince William and Kate Middleton at Wimbledon recently have been amazingly entertaining. Just today, for instance, the Duchess and her husband were present in the audience to watch Andy Murray play, and Middleton displayed an entire spectrum of emotions on her seemingly pore-less face in what seemed like a two-minute period. Happiness, sadness, embarrassment, laughter, shock — she's feeling it all. Also, somehow, her hair stays perfect and shiny through everything, because she's Kate Middleton and that's just how life works for her.

William, on the other hand, isn't displaying as many emotions as his better half — but that's OK. We can't all be as free with our facial expressions as Duchess Catherine is (and still look awesome while doing it). It's a talent!

Anyway, since I'm a journalist and I've dedicated my life to reporting the important news of the day, here's a collection of photos to perfectly outline Middleton's spectrum of reactions to the game. With added commentary, because in addition to being a journalist, I'm only human, and I can't resist the opportunity to make a lot of really lame jokes.

Pool/Getty Images Sport/Getty Images

Please, Kate, this is not an Herbal Essences commercial.

Pool/Getty Images Sport/Getty Images

She is literally an emoji in this picture. Wills, step up your game.

It's amazing how you can see her slowly lose all hope for the game going well, before she realizes she has no reason to care about that sh*t because she's Kate Middleton and her hair is shinier than everyone else's in the world.

New reaction GIF to everything.

Clive Brunskill/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

This one isn't from the same game, but whatever. It looks like Kate and Will are doing the wave and it would be against everything I stand for if I did not add it to this collection.

In other words, Kate Middleton's life is still better than ours.


Image: MarieClaire/Twitter, EOnlineUK/Twitter, VanityFair/Twitter, SarahSallyH/Twitter