
Disney Is The New Black

by Mallory Schlossberg

If you thought Brook Soso seemed out of place in prison— cluelessly lamenting how people aren't bonding and initiating Lilith Fair sing-a-longs — wait until you see who's really out of place when donning those orange jumpsuits. The very talented graphic designer Maria Bayley used Photoshop to fuse Disney princesses into the Orange Is The New Black character posters for a DesignCrowd contest in which contestants had to digitally mesh unassuming prisoners into an OITNB poster. Bayley won with her Disneyfied Litchfield, and you can see why. The results are awesome and crazy spot-on — Ursula as Big Boo and Mereida as Nicky Nichols? But of course. THE HAIR.

Bayley wrote the following when discussing her source of inspiration:

I could not think of anyone further from the possibility of being locked in jail than this lot of under aged princesses.

She's right! The dichotomy of the world of Litchfield and the wonderful world of Disney really adds to the photos. And I have to say, Frozen's Elsa is a pretty good choice for Piper. Now we just have to hear her sing "Let It Go" so that the transformation is complete.

But, there is one thing that leaves me wanting more. Can we get a photo set of Disney princes with pornstaches? Please let that become a thing, Internet. Please.

Check out the Disney princesses as your favorite Litchfield inmates below. Props to Bayley, who did an incredible job with this photo set. It's no wonder she won the contest!

Image: DesignCrowd