"Wonder" Who's Behind The New Oreo Mini Song?

Wow, the latest Oreo Mini ad pulls out all the stops, doesn't it? It almost makes me forget just how menacing a bag of the bite-sized sandwich cookies can be... ALMOST: There's that happy song by Chromeo, that adorable animation, the power of wonder, and those precious little cookies. Yeah, all of it is very cute, but IT’S A TRAP: Oreo Minis are DANGEROUS and they are not to be trifled with. Open a bag at your own risk.
Oh, come on. You know those cookies are trouble. As if regular Oreos weren’t addictive enough, the easy-to-pop-in-your-mouth miniature version is just as delicious and designed to be consumed by the handful.
You caught me: I love Oreo Minis. I love them so very much.
Okay. I'm getting emotional. I must change the subject. Let's talk music! Yes, the song is by Chromeo. So, what is that song? Did the duo behind “Jealous (I Ain’t With It)” happen to write a ditty about wonder and "stuf" and feeling small? Could it be a Chromeo deep cut that coincidentally fits the Oreo Mini ad campaign to a T?
Nope! Like Owl City and Tegan and Sara before them, Chromeo recorded the wonderfilled track for the commercial:
Oof, if you put Oreo Minis in a bowl, poured milk on 'em, and handed me a spoon? I'd inhale 'em like cereal. As sad as I am Oreo O's is no more, I bet Oreo Minis would make for an interesting substitute.
Image: Oreo Cookie/YouTube