The CW's Got Fall Premiere Dates, People!

It's been a long, Ian Somerhalder-less, few months since The CW's 2013-14 series ended. And while we still haven't stopped wondering if The Vampire Diaries Damon Salvatore will come back to life, at least now we know when we'll get our answer. Here's the good news — on Wednesday, The CW announced it's Fall 2014 premiere schedule, complete with dates for TVD and breakout series The Originals and Reign. As for the bad news, we have to wait a whole three months before all of the TV we talk about is back on the air. But hey, at least we're 100 percent sure that we've got Ian Somerhalder to look forward to.
In addition to our two favorite vampire dramas and Reign, other CW hits, Supernatural, Arrow, and The 100 will all return as well come Oct. 1. Can I get a "HELL YEAH"? The CW will also premiere two pilots in the upcoming season, the Grant Gustin-starring Arrow spin-off, The Flash (Oct. 7), and Jane the Virgin, a drama series about, you guessed it, a virgin that gets accidentally artificially inseminated (Oct. 13). Great stuff, right? If there's one thing we can rely on in this TV world full of gone-too-soon series, The CW will always deliver — I mean, they still haven't cancelled Hart of Dixie, so I know they're reading my pleas on Twitter.
So get your calendars out, people. Here are the premiere dates for your favorite series and a few ideas on how to spend the long three months ahead in-theme.
The Vampire Diaries — Thursday, Oct. 2
How To Spend Your Three Months: Journaling — lots and lots of journaling à la Elena and the broodier Salvatore brother, Stefan. Because, heck, you're in mourning over Damon Salvatore's death, too. And, as Stefan would say:
You could also take a few shots of whiskey — Damon would approve.
The Originals — Monday, Oct. 6
How To Spend Your Three Months: Learn to make the perfect beignets — the closest thing to magic in the real world. Heck, if you can't be in the French Quarter, you might as well eat like you are. Hold the blood drizzle though, please.
Dessert has the same immortal effects as vampirism, right?
Supernatural — Tuesday, Oct. 7
How To Spend Your Three Months: Read Dante's The Divine Comedy. No, seriously. The Winchester brothers have spent the past eight seasons of Supernatural helping fallen angels and the King of Hell, you'll have a serious leg-up after finishing Dante's epic poem. And three months should give you more than enough time to leisurely sift through the masterpiece for useful info.
C'mon, we know you do, Castiel.
Arrow — Wednesday, Oct. 8
How To Spend Your Three Months: Re-watch LOST. Remember that moment during the Arrow pilot when Tommy's catching Oliver up on everything he missed? Well, now that a LOST reboot is kind of a thing, what better time to put yourself in Oliver's shoes — you can even remember what it's like to be shipwrecked on a deserted island. Hell yeah (still h8 you, LOST).
Every time Sawyer casually insults someone, do 10 sit-ups — you'll be ripped by October.
The 100 — Wednesday, Oct. 22
How To Spend Your Three Months: Go on a vision quest — okay, fine, that's a little extreme. But if you're a big fan of knowing whether or not you'd survive being dropped onto a deserted Earth, challenge yourself with a series of hiking and camping trips. Maybe take a wilderness survival class first, though.
Yay, nature.
Images: The CW, Whifflegif, Buzzsugar, its-thevampirediaries/Tumblr, Teen, Rebloggy, ReactionGifs, spotseries/Tumblr, rping-gifs/Tumblr putademierdastuff/Tumblr, jaspergoggles/Tumblr