O-Town's New Music Video Looks Familiar...

Of all the boy bands that we were desperately hoping would reunite, I would guess that O-Town was pretty far down on a lot of people's lists. Were they even on the list? Even when they released "Skydive" as their first single in 10 years, people were mostly surprised that they were still making music than anything else. However, it appears that O-Town is very determined to make a comeback because "Skydive" now has a music video as well. If you don't feel like watching it, then that's okay. There are at least three other music videos that you can watch instead to get the same point.
Maybe I've been spoiled by Beyoncé music videos, Lady Gaga music videos, and One Direction's recent music videos. Or maybe we're just used to a higher standard of music video now that we're living in a world that awards us a lyric video as a preview of a music video to come. Either way, O-Town's "Skydive" was like watching a clip show of typical boy band music video tropes, except starring O-Town. It's set out in a desert as all the members of O-Town serenade a blond girl about how they want her back. And in doing so it feels... way too familiar.
For example, there's a desert car scene...
...not too different from N Sync's "Bye Bye Bye" music video.
Then there's your typical serenading a girl while you get real close move...
...which can also be seen in One Direction's "What Makes You Beautiful."
And don't get me started on singing in the wilderness...
...like the Backstreet Boys in the "In a World Like This" music video.
All in all, this was a pretty lackluster effort from O-Town, unless they were trying very hard to remind you that they're a legitimate boy band. But if they're just going to recycle everything that other legitimate boy bands have done in their videos, then they may as well stop their comeback right here. It's a new age, guys. You're going to have to work a little harder to impress us if we can't stare at Ashley Parker-Angel anymore.
Watch the video below.