Benedict Cumberbatch's 'Sherlock' Hair Drama

It's been five months since Sherlock graced us with its presence. That's nothing in the grand scheme of the lengthy hiatuses the show is known for, but it still makes us want to whine and stomp our feet and beg for more. Luckily for us, the crew's still around, such as make-up and hair designer Claire Pritchard-Jones, who revealed that Benedict Cumberbatch's hair turned a little green in the process of getting him ready for Sherlock's first season. Oops?
Pritchard-Jones, who alongside Sherlock set designer Arwel Wyn Jones is among the people who work to make Sherlock so beautiful, recently made an appearance at the Sherlock Holmes Convention in Vienna, where she talked about the trials and tribulations of taking Cumberbatch's oft-changing hair into the realm of floppy curls he rocks on the show. According to Pritchard-Jones, Cumberbatch's hair had been bleached before Sherlock for his role as Vincent Van Gogh in Vincent Van Gogh: Painted With Words. This made for a surprise when, upon dying his hair Sherlock-dark, his hair turned a nice shade of green the day before filming.
They obviously fixed it before cameras started rolling, but would it have killed them to snap a few pictures to capture the moment?
Some other fun facts Pritchard-Jones revealed: Andrew Scott's Moriarty rocked guy-liner, and making Sherlock look like a drug addict in Season 3 was tough because Cumberbatch's skin is made from the skin of baby angels and the spirits of 17th Century Shakespearean Globe actors.
Image: BBC