Kanye West Was... Complimented?
Your eyes aren't deceiving you and no, it's not opposite day, either (or is it?). Kanye West was just paid a really nice and unexpected compliment by Chilean filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky. One that neither you nor I ever thought someone would bestow upon him given his penchant for being abrasive and confrontational. To each his own, I suppose, but Jodorowsky got to witness a side of Yeezus that us mere laymen haven't caught a glimpse of yet. The filmmaker was so pleased with his time spent with West that he took to Twitter in order to exalt the rapper saying:
The reunion with Kanye West was very pleasant. I saw an honest being, with a beautiful child-like soul. He puts on a big show. I read him his Tarot." He went on to further explain, "I was surprised by the purity of West, and his deep desire to create work that develops awareness of young people.
So, could it be that West's tantrums and outbursts are just part of some act? Is he really as sensitive and "child-like" as Jodorowsky thinks he is? What about the whole upstaging 19-year-old Taylor Swift at the VMA's? I don't know about you, but to me, Ye's been the Veruca Salt of Hollywood from the get go. Not so much child-like as he's appeared to be childish. Who knows, maybe he'll start showing off that so-called sensitive side more often now that he's a family man.
Regardless of how you may feel about him though, you've gotta admit the man knows how to make a hit.