Drama, drama, drama: Our first look at Bachelor in Paradise is here and it's full of hookups and tears. This Bachelor spinoff show is replacing Bachelor Pad as its less money-driven, more romantic sister. ABC's description of the show promises the participating contestants a "second chance to find their soul mates." But if the promo for the season is any indication, there will be more heartbreak than proposals. The one-minute intro starts with last season's runner-up Clare Crawley shouting at someone "It's f***ed up to put me in this situation!" So it's clear this season has nowhere to go but down.
Throughout the clip's 60 seconds, there are eight different shots of girls crying. Eight. One girl even locked herself in her room and Chris Harrison is shown trying to coax her out. As former contestant Arie Luyendyk Jr. would say, things are about to get #BachSh*tCrayCray.
Don't be alarmed by the number of girls crying, there are probably still going to be hookups. The question just is: Will any of them last? In the preview there's a lot of alcohol mixed with sexual tension and a nearby ocean, none of which have ever ended well on The Bachelor or Bachelorette.
Don't be surprised if Bachelor in Paradise's skinny dipping couple doesn't walk down the aisle. Courtney Robertson and Clare Crawley already tried that tactic and it didn't lead to happily ever after for them. But it did lead to good television, so at least ABC has that.
Watch the dramatic preview below:
Image: ABC