We Need 'Supernatural' Back ASAP

Let me be the first to say it (today, anyway): I already miss Supernatural. Season 9 of The CW's cult hit ended just under a month ago but I already want more Dean, Sam, and Cas back in my life. Thankfully, Supernatural has been picked up for Season 10 and we don't have too long of a wait. The CW has announced that Supernatural will return on Oct. 7 to its Tuesday night timeslot. On Oct. 6, The CW will also air a Supernatural retrospective special, after nine seasons, there's a lot to keep track of. To help hold us over until the fall, we'll get a little taste of everyone's favorite angel friend on our TV screens Monday night when Misha Collins guest stars on Whose Line Is It Anyway .
But even while the actor improvs with the best of them — and probably keeps up with the pros, judging by the hilarity that is his Twitter account — I'll just be impatiently waiting for him to put on his overcoat and talk in a really low voice to Dean and Sam about their responsibility to humanity. And I'm not the only one who can't wait until October, as fans have already started a Supernatural Season 10 countdown clock. Excuse me while I go bookmark that.
As uneven as the previous few seasons had been, Season 9 of Supernatural felt like a rejuvenation for the series. Dealing with the angels falling, Metatron, and Abaddon all at the same time was a lot to take in, not to mention the attempt to start a spinoff with Bloodlines that ultimately, and thankfully, failed. The finale was quite the season send-off for the characters, with Castiel saving the day from Metatron and Dean becoming a demon. I repeat, Dean is now a demon. I know it happened a month ago but I'm not sure it's fully sunk in yet.
Once October rolls around, we'll finally learn about how the gang will be affected by Dean's new transformation. Jared Padalecki and Collins talked a bit about how the show could potentially find some humor in Dean's dark new persona, saying they could pull all kinds of pranks on him that would never work on a human, like shooting him or putting holy water in the shower. But the actor who plays Dean, Jensen Ackles, was quick to remind people that Dean has all the power of the Mark of Cain, which could turn him into something he never wanted to be: Evil.
We could spend all day theorizing about the next season of Supernatural — and trust me I would love to — but for now, let's just enjoy Collins' hilarity on Whose Line and thank our lucky stars that not only is Supernatural coming back in a few months, but that Collins will also return as a series regular and Mark Sheppard, AKA Crowley, has finally been promoted to series regular for Season 10. The preview below shows that Collins can handle Wayne Brady and the rest of the Whose Line gang pretty well, so it's safe to say I'll be tuning to find out how if he's as funny in person as he is in my dreams— I mean, in interviews and stuff...
Images: The CW, 1needyoucas/Tumblr