The Worst Craiglist Job Post of All Time
You know, some Craigslist ads are just better left unposted. Such is the case with this "Girl Friday" Craigslist ad from a Bay Area start-up hoping to hire that special someone to clean dishes, grill meats, and hopefully use Photoshop on the side. Valleywag found the post — which, amazingly, is still online — for a "business" apparently looking to hire someone willing to simultaneously fulfill the roles of mom, chauffeur, chef, Manic Pixie Dream Girl, cleaning lady, receptionist, accounts receivable, office coordinator, social media specialist, tech support — no I am not kidding — recycling czar, project manager, and personal shopper.
You would accomplish these tasks between the hours of 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Salary is based on experience. Lunch is provided daily, provided you make it first. Don't everybody sign up at once.
This start-up's job post, which Valleywag's Nitasha Tiku rightly points out should be "someone's idea of a joke," will hopefully be discovered soon and summarily booed out of designing anything ever again (hey, a girl can dream). Until then, here are some clues about the ad's posters: They are apparently "wacky," try and eat Paleo, are "creative weirdos," and don't own cars. They're also super fun, the ad suggests.
If we've sparked your interest, drop us your resume, and a little blurb about yourself. Don't be afraid to tell us about your wild passion about zombie movies, or your secret recipe for the perfect gin cocktail.
Cool, so now we've narrowed down the list to every man who works at a start-up in San Francisco, roughly speaking, right? Here's the full list of tasks these scamps are hoping their "Girl Friday" will be able to complete working 22 hours a week.
The only good thing about this ad is that apparently French bulldogs hang out at this start-up. Something tells us the Silicon Valley-dwelling spawn of Mr. Clean and Zooey Deschanel still isn't interested, though.