A constant craving of mine is frozen blueberries. I typically fail at eating just a small dose of blueberries and end up with a stomach ache from all the delicious fiber packed into each small berry. Our bodies are a lot smarter than we think; the times I crave an iced green tea are around the same time I'm craving the blueberries in my freezer because my body is trying to get up on that antioxidant game. At least it's healthier than when my pizza craving hits. Blueberries have arguably more antioxidants than green tea and are packed with vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Consuming these tiny treats have some amazing benefits for your skin as well; for one thing, eating blueberries on the reg can give you youthful looking skin and brighten up dull or sun-damaged skin.
Now, I'm all about wearing my food so it's no surprise that I began digging around for how I can use blueberries to satisfy what my skin is craving.
Vitamin A can reduce wrinkles, eliminate dark spots, and otherwise blotchy skin — that's benefit #1. Vitamin C helps neutralize free radicals and is also a well known secret on the war against premature aging — and that's only benefit #2. Blueberries are also able to fight acne by controlling hormones, so you can say buh-bye to period-induced breakouts. They increase circulatory health which can prevent unwanted lines, cellulite, and varicose veins.
Here are a few ways to take blueberries out of your smoothie and into your beauty routine!
Blueberry Face Mask
There are several variations of this recipe floating around the web currently. My fave version is from Lipglossnheels' website and it's a great anti-aging mask with some super moisturizing properties.
You'll need:
- 2/3 cup of blueberries (organic to avoid pesticides or other chemicals on your skin)
- 2/3 cup of coconut yogurt or coconut milk
- 1 tablespoon of raw honey
- 1 teaspoon of oatmeal
First, mash your organic berries into your coconut yogurt (or lactic acid of your choice), then add your oatmeal and raw honey. Mix until you have a thick paste and apply directly onto your face. Leave this mask on while you eat the leftovers, rinsing well after about 15 minutes. This treatment will work best on a make-up free face, so it's definitely a great morning mask.
Blueberry Toner
This toner has some serious super powers — it's got the maximum benefits for evening out skin tone and lightening those dreaded dark spots that keep showing up in the mirror; I use mashed up organic blueberries (about 10-12) and mix with lemon juice and basil oil. The lemon juice and basil oil are natural skin brighteners with their own antioxidant powers. To extract oil from the basil leaves, simply mash up about a dozen leaves with a mallet and use the oil for your toner. You'll want to rinse this guy off when you're done to avoid insects flocking to your fresh, even skin.
Hair Color Enhancer
This is a great natural way to add a hint of color if you have dark hair or want a temporary pinkish tint. For best color results, use this on dry freshly washed hair — and please wear gloves! Nature can and WILL dye your hands a blood-like color which is not sexy...unless you're dating Dracula.
- 25 blueberries
- 1 Beet
- 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar
Now, this was my first attempt to get a little blueberry tint to my hair, and because my hair is almost black, my cute little highlight is best seen in direct sunlight. No biggie, because it certainly has all the makings of adding some serious shine to my hair which enhances the natural color. Mash your food together and steep with hot water to get your solution, adding ACV once it's cool. Apply evenly throughout your hair — it's ok if your hair is damp or wet, but I found this to work best on my hair dry. Leave this on for at least a half hour and don't worry, if you don't get it the first time; this natural dye also has a boatload of healthy nutrients so you can do it over and over, unlike store bought dyes that have tons of chemicals that can stress out your strands.
Are you in love with blueberries already? Check out more ways you can wear blueberries on your face for maximum skin health this summer!