Is That A Palm Tree On Your Face Mr. Jackman?

In a crime against follicles worldwide, Hugh Jackman has donned a bald head and a wicked goatee for his role as Blackbeard in the upcoming Pan. Now don't get me wrong, you could put Jackman in garbage bags and smear him in dog poop (a la Les Mis) and he's still look fine. But that doesn't mean we don't prefer him in his full Wolverine furry glory. But alas, it's for the role, so we'll just have to live in a world where Hugh Jackman has slightly less hair. UGH.
The photo was posted on Jackman's Instagram account with the simple caption, "Blackbeard is born. #PAN." Also, if you're not following his feed, you're missing out on daily delights of his musical adventures, cutesy messages about his wife, and every once in a while we are blessed with videos of his workouts. It's a real gem, folks.
Truth be told, we're looking forward to Jackman letting his baddie flag fly in Pan. By the looks of the latest image, he's even practicing his villainous sneer while in hair (or lack thereof) and makeup). Now, while you're busy ogling the living version of an EGOT, you've probably also noticed that the new scruff is as enchanting as it is familiar. Here are all the things Jackman's new look reminds us of:
Let's start with the Goatee:
Which definitely looks like:
A majestic palm tree
I wouldn't mind being stranded on that island AMIRIGHT?
Legolas' Weapon of Choice
Christ the Redeemer in Brazil
Look how that bottom half of that goatee reaches its furry arms out.
And now to the noggin:
A Pacman Ghost
Or four!
This most glorious sunrise
A lion king without a mane!
Eve from Wall-E
Check out that sneer!
Images:TheHughJackman/Instagram; nfinitegaby/ imsurethatimnotperfect/whimsicallramblings/ Tumblr; Disney