The Internet Is Ruining the '90s

If you grew up in the '90s, you know the nostalgia you feel when you encounter a rerun of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, your old collection of Beanie Babies (which will totally be worth something someday), or any picture of Jared Leto in flannel. The new Twitter hashtag #RuinThe90s is turning your nostalgia on its head by altering the past in ways that would have made the '90s totally suck. #RuinThe90s came out of the internet-themed improv TV show @midnight, which encourages Twitter users to engage in their Hashtag Wars with hysterical results. Everyone loved the '90s, so it's not surprising that this one took off faster than Forrest Gump — and the results are hysterical.
The '90s were all that and a bag of chips, sure, but change around a few elements of the collective pop culture and the '90s would have been totally trippin'. (Okay, my slang use is officially over.) What would have happened had My Girl had a very different ending? Or your favorite sitcoms were given very dark titles? What would have happened if My So-Called Life was cast with less-than-appealing new actors? As Twitter puts it, those are just some of the ways you could #RuinThe90s. Thank God time travel isn't a thing, because everyone's alleged favorite decade would have looked very different.
Here are some of the best tweets from the trend that would have, like, totally ruined the '90s.
Ruining '90s Television
Ruining '90s Music
Ruining '90s Movies
Ruining #RuinThe90s By Blaming Justin Bieber
Image: Warner Bros.