Everything You Need To Know For 'PLL' Season 5

Can you believe that it's been almost three months since the explosive and fatal Pretty Little Liars Season 4 finale? Me either — I must've blocked it from my memory before I went as crazy as Spencer from trying to figure out who "A" is. Pretty Little Liars ' Season 5 will premiere on Tuesday, June 10 and if you don't have enough time to rewatch the Season 4 finale, we've got you covered.
Judging by the recent promos and sneak-peek photos already released by ABC Family, PLL Season 5 is going to start up right where Season 4 left off. So, you'll be at a major disadvantage if you've forgotten any of the HUGE moments from the March 18 finale. (Cough * Mrs. DiLaurentis isn't "A" * cough.) There were major Ali and Spencer revelations, an "A" stand-off, and the foreboding return of a familiar (but unwelcome at best) face. If you're drawing a blank on any of those three things, read on to get your recap of the PLL Season 4 finale — so you can continue your quest of figuring out who "A" is.
Ali Talks "The Last Night"
All four of the liars were finally reunited with their long-lost, believed-to-be-dead, former BFF. And Spencer, Emily, Hanna, and Aria finally got some of the answers we've all been waiting for since Day One — what happened the night Alison went missing? Ali told them about stealing the incriminating videos from Ian's laptop and confronting Jenna, Ian, Mr. Montgomery, and Ezra all that night. And she confirmed that Spencer didn't try to kill her (sigh of relief). It was enlightening — but she still doesn't know who "A" is or why her mother buried her alive.
Melissa Returns & Confesses
Melissa's back from London, people. The elder Hastings turned up while the police where tearing her house to shreds and told her mom that Toby had come to London to tell her about Spencer's relapse. (Probably a lie.) Melissa ended up at the Rosewood police department with her parents, answering pointed questions about Spencer's whereabouts and whether or not she possibly tried to kill Ali. And just when Mr. Hastings started to panic that he wasn't thorough enough with his private investigation of Spencer's behavior that summer, Melissa confessed that Spencer didn't kill "that girl" but she knows who did.
Ezra Gets Shot & Knows Who "A" Is
Ezra turned up in New York City and crashed the girl's little catch-up session, while "A" was shooting out the windows of the cafe they were hiding in. They ended up on the roof of the building — because of course — and he tried to protect them from "A", but got shot in the process. But not after confronting the hooded figure with the age-old PLL statement, "I know who you are." Does Ezra really know who "A" is? We'll have to wait until the premiere to find out because SPOILER ALERT he lives.
Mrs. DiLaurentis Is Dead
And we have come full circle — Mrs. DiLaurentis is dead and buried somewhere in Rosewood. We don't know who killed her ("A" was in NYC, after all) but we can finally remove her from our list of "A" suspects.
Pretty Little Liars Season 5 will premiere on June 10 at 8 PM on ABC Family.
Images: ABC Family; Giphy; prettylittleliars-onabcfamily/Tumblr; plldailly/Tumblr; aisforanswerss/Tumblr