Apple Announces New Products
by Julia Black

For four days every June, tech geeks, investors, and former presidential candidates gather in San Francisco for the Worldwide Developers Conference like kids on Christmas morning. This year, Apple CEO Tim Cook played Santa Claus. So for all you gadget junkies out there, here are some highlights from the keynote speech to hold you over 'til next fall when these products actually hit the market:
MacBook Air & MacBook Pro
- Harder, better, faster, stronger: Nothing too exciting here -- just faster hard drives, improved cameras, extended battery life, and a $100 price reduction for each model.
- The next generation MacBook Pro slimmed down to 0.71 inches and expanded its resolution by 400% (drawing lots of oohs and ahhs from the audience looking on).
Mac Pro
- Apparently they still manufacture desktops... who knew?
- Also, it's shaped like a cylinder.
iOS 7
- iPhones 4 and up (as well as iPads 2 and up, iPad mini, and 5th-gen iPod touch) will be able to update to the iOS 7 operating system this fall. The interface is virtually unrecognizable -- flatter-looking icons, all white everything, even splashes of rainbow.
- Siri got smarter and had some work done on her vocal cords.
- iRadio, basically a prettier Pandora, will be integrated into the iPhone's music player.
- The Photo app works more like iPhoto now, sorting your photos into "Moments" and allowing you to zoom in and out of collections. You can also add Instagram-like filters live in the Camera app.
- The new AirDrop, Apple's version of DropBox allows you to share files with your contacts.
- The Control Center (shown below) allows you to control just about everything from your home screen.
OS X Mavericks
- When did Apple stop naming their operating systems after cats?? They never even got to Margay!
- More iCloud integration, better graphics, faster functioning.
- They're still trying to make Maps happen. Stop trying to make Maps happen.
Images: Apple