When Does 'OITNB' Season 2 Hit Netflix?

It's an exciting weekend of new things to watch, and if you're not headed out to sob at The Fault In Our Stars you're probably staying in to binge-watch the return of Orange Is the New Black . Hell, you might even do both. Get down with your bad self, you! But in order to do the latter as soon as humanly possible you're gonna need to know one thing: What time exactly does Orange Is the New Black's second season land on Netflix for our viewing pleasure?
Orange Is The New Black Season 2 drops at 3:00 a.m. Friday morning for those in the Eastern timezone. For the most devoted fans that means you'll have to stay up til the wee hours to get your fix; for the West Coast, where the season drops at 12:00 a.m. (the magic of time zones!) you just have to stay up a little past the late night talk shows.
Are you ready for Orange Is the New Black's second season? Critics are saying the show's only gotten deeper and better with age. Here's TIME's James Poniewozik teasing it in a way that guarantees we'll be staying up:
Having built out dozens of colorfully named characters (Taystee, Yoga Jones, Black Cindy), the sprawling Orange is like Game of Thrones: Prison. In prison, after all, a few square feet becomes a world. One new subplot involves prisoners training cockroaches to carry cigarettes from cell to cell: in lockup, a hallway can be the vast Sahara and a bug a camel laden with riches. Like Thrones, Orange is partly a story of territory, allegiance and clans, here divided largely by race. This tension heightens with the arrival of Vee (Lorraine Toussaint), a magnetic, leonine recidivist who promises to restore the days when black women ran the prison. (The Latinas presently control the kitchen, Litchfield’s Iron Throne.)
Only a few hours left to go.
Image: Netflix