17 Things To Cheer You Up After Seeing 'TFIOS'

Thursday at midnight, the world is being graced with the already critically-lauded film adaptation of The Fault in Our Stars , and as excited as I am, I'm also a little bit dreading it. I cry easily — like, really easily, I cried at The Lego Movie — so I'm fairly certain that The Fault in Our Stars is going to systematically destroy me.
If you haven't read the book, I don't want to give too much away, but it's a story genetically engineered to jerk tears out of even the most hardened moviegoers. You can prepare as much as you want, but it's not going to make a difference once you watch Hazel and Gus' tragic love story unfold. The worst part is, as opposed to reading the book cuddled up in your favorite comfy chair surrounded by stuffed animals and tissues, you have to experience all of these intense emotions in a room full of weeping strangers.
Between The Fault in Our Stars and what will no doubt be a heartrending episode of Game of Thrones, there's a lot of crying to be done this weekend. Which is why I've compiled this list of 17 things to watch which are sure to cheer you up!
This Adorable Yelling Baby Goat
This Hilarious Yelling Adult Goat
These Very Happy Puppies
This Baby Panda Who Doesn't Want to Go To Bed
This Very Enthusiastic Little Boy
This Hedgehog Taking A Bath
This Baby Who Can't Stop Laughing
This Little Girl Who Doesn't Understand Safety Tips
The All Time Best Version of 'Let It Go'
This Very Happiest of Songs
This Compilation of Lucille Bluth Being the Best
This Little Girl's Impressive Self Confidence
This Amazing Malfunctioning RobotT
This Amazing Illusion
These Silly Marmosets
This Perfect Muppet Cover
And This Song That Will Put Everything in Perspective
Images: thefaultinourstarsmovie.com