Destiny's Child Teams Up To Lend Michelle A Hand

Michelle Williams needn't worry that her single leaked early, because, if anything, it just piqued all of our curiosity that much more. When news concerns a possible Destiny's Child member resurfacing, US FANS DON'T PLAY, OKAY?! But, even better than our girl Michelle making a comeback with her new single, Say Yes, she asked a few friends to help out with the video and some back up vocals. We'll give you two guesses as to who those insanely talented and ultra famous "friends" are... *COUGH* Beyonce *COUGH* Kelly.
So yes, technically our favorite girl band of all time has reunited but just not in the way we expected them to. Because, THIS IS THE DAY OF MICHELLE'S RECKONING. That's right folks, read it and weep, because, Say Yes, is Michelle's song and it only merely features Beyonce and Kelly Rowland. I feel empowered for her. While we know the girls are still the best of friends and I'm sure no one harbors any ill will about the amount of vocals they got to belt on each album, admittedly that super bowl stint a few years ago just seemed so wrong. With both Williams and Rowland on stage for that itty bitty morsel of time, it was hard to not feel like they had been carefully swept under the rug. We're glad to see Michelle come into her own and it's gratifying to see that her more spotlight exposed friends ready and willing to support her shining moment.
Say Yes is a Gospel song, a definite departure from Destiny's Child smooth R&B, Hip-Hoppy feel. It's a spiritual song, but that doesn't mean it lacks vibrancy and a beat because when you listen all you want to do is get up and dance. Apparently, the song has been wildly popular in Africa for more than a hundred years and it's so amazing to see Williams bring it over to America and transform it in this way. We hope Michelle continues on with her bad solo self and continues to do her own thing. And maybe a real Destiny's Child reunion one day?
Hey, a girl can dream.
You can check out Michelle's single below: