Meet the 'World's Best Father'

New parents are always worried they're going to suck, but like learning anything new, they slowly but surely ease into a groove of soiled diapers, late-night feedings, and first birthdays. One exceedingly inventive dad, Dave Engledow, learned this the hard way after documenting many fun yet anxiety-ridden adventures with his daughter, Alice Bee — and the resulting family photo series is now an Internet sensation.
What started as one wacky picture has blossomed into a viral photo series and accompanying coffee table book called Confessions Of the World's Best Father. Engledow initially took photos to document all the fun activities and wild shenanigans he and his daughter did together. Then, after showing some of the pics to his friends and posting some online, he realized how popular the images were. So he began to take more and started playing around with Photoshop. He never imagined his photos would be such a huge hit, since many of them are a tad bit alarming due to his dark sense of humor.
The photos involve pancake eating, arm wrestling, and kid-on-kid boxing. Engledow hopes that his photos will help many new parents realize that parenting isn't an art you can master overnight — instead, it takes time, dedication, and practice to get right.
In a recent interview with People, Engledow shares that, "I don't mean to diminish what an awesome responsibility being a parent is, but I think it's also important as parents to recognize that we don't know all the answers. It's important to have fun and make fun of yourself as a parent."
See some of Engledow's amusing photos from his "World's Best Father" photo series below:
And if you can't get enough of Engledow's comical pics, be sure to check out his Tumblr and Facebook page.
Images: Dave Engledow/Facebook