The Cast Of 'OITNB' Is Seriously Beautiful

They're almost here, they're almost here, they're almost here. And by "they're" we mean the fabulous cast of Netflix's Orange is the New Black . We've gone almost an entire year without the inmates we love and the officers we love to hate from Litchfield Prison, but they're finally ready to bring laughter and fear back into our lives. And although we're anxiously waiting to find out what happened to Piper and Pennsatucky, we're also pretty jazzed just to see what antics Crazy Eyes, Nicky, Red, and the others are going to get themselves into this season. Plus, we just miss those ugly brown and orange outfits.
However, those ill-fitting outfits often make us forget that the women and men who play their OITNB counterparts don't always go for the prison-chic look in real life. In fact, they pretty much never go for that look because they're all gorgeous people who'd rather not look like they live in an all-women's prison facility. As much as we love them for their overly-shaped black eyebrows, their scraggly hair, or their "crazy eyes," when they're not filming their insanely popular television show, they go for makeup and clothing that is more fitting of the badass actresses and actors that they are.
Take a look at what some of the actors of OITNB look like on and off the set:
1. Danielle Brooks as Taystee:
Danielle Brooks in real life:
Although, we bet she could still pull off wearing Piper's hair in real life...
2. Taryn Manning as Pennsatucky:
Taryn Manning in real life:
Manning might win for biggest transformation, because those Pennsatucky teeth are seriously the worst.
3. Emma Myles as Leanne:
Emma Myles in real life:
So long, stringy hair.
4. Laura Prepon as Alex:
Laura Prepon in real life:
Those eyebrows tho.
5. Abigail Savage as Gina Murphy:
Abigail Savage in real life:
Work it, Murphy.
6. Michelle Hurst as Miss Claudette Pelage:
Michelle Hurst in real life:
Ugh, it's so nice to see Miss Claudette happy in real life.
7. Kate Mulgrew as Red:
Kate Mulgrew in real life:
Obviously she can handle that fierce red hair.
8. Natasha Lyonne as Nicky:
Natasha Lyonne in real life:
Lyonne probably enjoys using frizz control when she's not filming.
9. Taylor Schilling as Piper:
Taylor Schilling in real life:
She is seriously stunning.
10. Pablo Schreiber as Pornstache:
Pablo Schreiber in real life:
Hmm, we wonder why Schreiber doesn't keep that mustache on all of the time...
11. Dascha Polanco as Dayanara:
Dascha Polanco in real life:
Someone's super glam.
12. Lauren Lapkus as Susan:
Lauren Lapkus in real life:
Lapkus likes to let hair down out of that tight bun every now and then.
13. Lea DeLaria as Big Boo:
Lea DeLaria in real life:
Look at her workin' those glasses.
14. Samira Wiley as Poussey:
Samira Wiley in real life:
Even with her dumpy sweats on OITNB, Wiley is seriously one of the most beautiful people ever.
15. Yael Stone as Lorna:
Yael Stone in real life:
But where's the red lipstick?
16. Uzo Aduba as Crazy Eyes:
Uzo Aduba in real life:
Aduba does such a great job of being "crazy" on OITNB that she looks totally different in real life.
17. Selenis Leyva as Gloria:
Selenis Leyva in real life:
Glad to see she wears hoops on and off the screen.
18. Laverne Cox as Sophia:
Laverne Cox in real life:
Cox is always looking fine.
19. Vicky Jeudy as Janae:
Vicky Jeudy in real life:
This version of Jeudy looks like she won't try and rip your head off. How nice.
20. Constance Shulman as Yoga Jones:
Constance Shulman in real life:
Just kidding. Only not because she was definitely the voice of Patty Mayonnaise.
Images: Netflix; giphy.com; fyeahorangeisthenewblack/Tumblr; o-i-t-n-b/Tumblr; o-i-t-n-b/Tumblr; giraffodill/Tumblr; ungifable/Tumblr; o-i-t-n-b/Tumblr; orangeisthenewblack-/Tumblr; charactergrades.com; wifflegif.com; o-i-t-n-b/Tumblr; wifflegif.com; fyeahorangeisthenewblack/Tumblr; purplepirate/Tumblr; wifflegif.com; nersinclothes/Tumblr; rtvgames.com; giphy.com; shannon2marie/Wordpress; lesbianthropology/Tumblr; soundadoggymakes.com