Mindy Kaling's Enviable Chop

Ah, nothing quite like chopping your hair off to celebrate summer, is there? The ever-awesome Mindy Kaling certainly seems to agree: to put it in her own words, "See ya sweaty neck, I got work to do." Kaling's always had great hair – shiny, healthy, and thick, seemingly without aid of extensions – but as we enter what's sure to be a long summer without AC (okay, so maybe that last part's only me), it's the bob that's making me green with envy.
It's an old tradition that a lot of us are familiar with (heck, even my dog gets a summer haircut) and it really can make life a lot easier — if I wasn't currently determined to get waist-long hair, it would be gone by now, up to my ears at the very least. The Amelie length is a personal favorite, though a bob that blunt is something of a disaster on me (and yes, I speak from experience). Suffice it to say, I am all about bobs, and am loving Kaling's shoulder-length chop.
Besides, a sensible bob is a great option for those of us who can't quite pull the trigger on a summer pixie, a la Kaley Cuoco.
Kaling herself seems to include herself in this group, by the way (or, to be more accurate, the The Mindy Project writing staff puts her in that group).

Okay, so we'll just have to respectfully disagree with Kaling's writers: Anne Hathaway or not, she can totally pull off a pixie in our books — her pixie wig on the show was totally the height of gamine chic. Though, to be fair, her new bob is even better.
Image: mindykaling/Instagram