Shailene Woodley Doesn't Wear Makeup to Events & 5 Other Au Naturel Stars
In a world where we're surrounded by Photoshopped images, crazy-skinny models and celebrities with whole teams of makeup and hair people, it's really refreshing for stars to take a stand against all the falsehood that goes into Hollywood images. Here are some lovely ladies who want you to know they're human too, and that looking like a movie star is less to do with clothes and makeup, and more to do with being comfortable in your own skin. Let the positive vibes flow!
Celebrities That Want You To Accept The Way You Look
In a world where we're surrounded by Photoshopped images, crazy-skinny models and celebrities with whole teams of makeup and hair people, it's really refreshing for stars to take a stand against all the falsehood that goes into Hollywood images. Here are some lovely ladies who want you to know they're human too, and that looking like a movie star is less to do with clothes and makeup, and more to do with being comfortable in your own skin. Let the positive vibes flow!
Shailene Woodley
In addition to being an amazing actress and all-around star, Woodley refuses to wear make up to casual events, saying "I saw somebody — what I thought was me — in a magazine once, and I had big red lips that definitely did not belong on my face. I had boobs about three times the size they are in real life. My stomach was completely flat. My skin was also flawless. But the reality is that I do not have those lips and my skin is not flawless and I do have a little bit of a stomach." Go Shailene, we love that tummy girl, and you look perfectly beautiful without any makeup.
Kate Winslet
Winslet has famously come out against airbrushing, very vocally reminding us that no one actually looks that way without a computer. She says, "I will particularly say when I look at movie posters: 'You guys have airbrushed my forehead. Please can you change it back?'" Go girl, thanks for teaching us all that wrinkles don't make you a monster, they're a natural sign of aging.
Nigella Lawson
English chef Nigella gave Photoshop the chop when shooting the promotional pictures for her show, The Taste.
As she so delightfully said, "that tum is the truth and is come by honestly, as my granny would have said." Yes indeed Nigella, and for the record, a chef with a bit of bulge isn't a bad thing, we want our cooking gurus to enjoy their food.
Monica Bellucci
In addition to being heart-stopping gorgeous, Bellucci has always kept that Italian essence about her saying, "Dolce&Gabbana shot me eating at a picnic with my family. That is beautiful — it’s not about the biological beauty, it’s about another kind of beauty. It’s about the womanliness that comes to your face and your body from your life and your experience." Amen sista. And if that womanliness contributes to Bellucci's general look, I'll definitely have some of what she's eating.
Kim Kardashian
Kim spoke outagainst body shaming, acknowledging her cellulite and saying it was worth having dimple-y thighs to eat ice cream and cookies, which is definitely something we can all relate to.
Jessica Simpson
Jessica Simpson recently graced the cover of Marie Claire sans make up in her continued campaign to spread positive body image to everyone. She said of the daring choice, "I don’t have anything to prove anymore, what other people think of me is not my business.” DAMN right.