There Are So Many 'Frozen' Parodies For A Reason

We might as well just admit it to ourselves at this point: The Frozen parodies may never stop. We may very well be stuck with them forever. This is especially true because it seems the dads of the world have discovered a tantalizing little secret when it comes to Frozen : It's the perfect opportunity to go viral.
The first inkling that we as a society might be in this for the long haul came a few short weeks after the movie came out, when my sister-in-law posted a facebook video in which one of her preschool students belted out runaway hit "Let It Go" during dress-up time. A few days later, I heard my neighbor belt the same song post-shower, really letting it go the way you can only do at noon on a Wednesday when you think everyone else in your apartment complex is off at work. He was marvelous — and extremely enthusiastic — and I know we were all doomed.
Because then the dads came. They came in droves, their social media savvy alerting them to the fact that a viral video's its own special kind of currency these days. And the lip-syncs and the parodies started, and they haven't stopped.
The most recent comes from a father and daughter who decided to lip-sync "Love Is An Open Door" for the video-watching community:
It's damn adorable, obviously. But given its many Frozen lip sync cousins, it begs the question: Are dads using their daughters to capitalize on the smash success of Frozen?
The answer seems to be a resounding "yes."
Even this one, which is most technically a lip-sync of Iggy Azalea's "Fancy," starts with a reference to all the Frozen daddy/daughter videos making the rounds.
This is not to say that these dads don't all love their daughters — of course they do! And if they're solid parents they've indulged in waaaay more lip-syncing in their daily lives without the cameras rolling. It makes sense, and I get it: I've filmed my nephews singing "Somebody That I Used To Know," though I was about a year too late to jump on the zeitgeist with that one. But it's something to think about, especially considering that before too long we'll be living in a world heavily populated with adults who starred in viral videos when they were kids.
And really, we've all just got to admit that this dude's still the king of daddy/daughter videos:
Image: Shelly Stephenson/Youtube