Season 7 Of True Blood Is About To Get Crazy

After the first official trailer for True Blood Season 7 aired earlier in May, the excitement for the final season became unreal. Dramatic as usual, it left us wondering what would happen to many of our (my) favorite characters like Sookie, Bill, Jason and Jessica, and what would become of the humans in Bon Temps. Now, HBO has released a second True Blood trailer leaving us on the edge of our seats.
We’re reminded of the war to come, with flashes here and there to scenes of crowds of humans facing off against vampires, and vampires facing vampires. Though we’ve always known that humans and vampires co-exist in this series (though not always in a friendly manner), humans and vampires will work together to protect each other from the Hep V-infected vampires with “one vampire for every human.”
From the sixth season we were left wondering what happened to Eric and if he’s even alive, and how the love triangle between Sookie, Alcide and Bill will work out. However, despite the awkward tension between Sookie and her unnaturally attractive men, it’s clear from this trailer that Bill and Sookie will work together during this upcoming dilemma. “When we descend, we’re going to be badly outnumbered,” Bill says to Sookie during the trailer. “Then why are you doing it?” Sookie asks, to which Bill responds with, “Cause I owe you everything.” Oh the anticipation!
The season premiere will air on June 22, 2014 at 9 p.m. on HBO, and if you’re pretty much in for a human-vampire showdown, that’s probably what you’ll get. Get pumped to hear Jace Everett’s theme song Bad Things once again and prepare for what will most likely be the most epic season ever. #TrueToTheEnd
Image: HBO