Andi & Dylan, Please Don't End Up Together

Our newest Bachelorette has a long lineup of guys to date before she finds out which one is her true love, and is it just me, or is that a really, really intimidating thought? Even though Andi's found a matchmaking service in The Bachelorette, I can't help but think she could use a little extra push — which is why I feel totally validated in doing the research to find out whether or not the pool of guys she has to choose from has any winners in its midst. You might not be surprised to find out that most Bachelor/Bachelorette winners don't stay together for long, and my fingers are crossed that this time Andi can find a love that lasts. Could she find it with 26-year-old accountant Dylan Pettit?
Dylan's from Longmeadow, Massachusetts and homeboy is built. He's not bad looking and he sounds like a nice guy, but is he may not be the right one for Andi. I did my best to analyze the little information available about Dylan (plus everything we know about Andi, although all we need to know is she's awesome and deserves the best) to figure out whether or not they're compatible. Are Dylan and Andi meant to be?
They're both smart.
Andi might be one of the most intelligent Bachelorettes ever. As an assistant district attorney, Andi kicks major ass in the courtroom, and you know how she got there? With a law degree, which means she's super smart, motivated, and awesome.
Dylan's an accountant, which means he's also super smart — I mean, can you do eighth grade math without a calculator? I certainly can't. Dylan's also ambitious — he says he admires Tom Brady for his determination — and that's obviously a quality Andi's looking for in a potential husband. However, can we really compare an accountant to a gang prosecutor? Dylan's job is much too boring in comparison to Andi's, but maybe opposites will attract in this case.
He seems sweet.
Boring job or not, Dylan sounds like a nice enough guy. In his ABC bio, Dylan says that the most romantic thing he's ever done was when he "set up a scavenger hunt at the girlfriend's house while she was in class." How adorable is that? Andi needs a guy who will do things like that for her.
Unfortunately, that's about all we know about Dylan in the personality department. He's tweeted a total of 19 times (and most of those were retweets) and his Instagram is now private. This guy does not want to be stalked. Damn it!
But... he's kind of weird.
Being that we haven't had much else to go on so far, can we talk about his super awkward super awkward limo introduction? Let's lay down this scenario: You're about to meet the person you're competing for on national television for the first time, and you turn down a hug from her because you want your personal space? That's not exactly a way to win someone over.
Also, his idea of a bad date is an awkward one. You know what makes things awkward, Dylan? When you turn down a hug from the coolest Bachelorette ever. That's awkward.
And he may actually be a giant toddler?
His favorite drink is apple juice and his favorite game is Connect Four. Do I need to say anything else?
The Verdict
We do not have a match here. First of all, someone who needs his personal space is not the right guy for Andi "I'm a Hugger" Dorfman. Don't get me wrong — Dylan seems totally sweet. But for Andi? I'm sure there are better choices in the group of guys left in the game. Better luck next time, bud.
Images: ABC; giphy (2)