Check Out These 'Game of Thrones' Cards

Game of Thrones fans are the best. They come up with so many ways to demonstrate their epic fandom, particularly when it comes to fan art. And this new gem is weirdly appropriate — we've got some artwork of a Game of Thrones deck of cards. Get it? Game of Thrones, "game of cards?" It also makes you think maybe the so-called Game of Thrones (which Cersei has accurately pointed out that you either live or you die when you play it), could simply be boiled down to a game of poker. A pretty intense game of poker, that is.
But there's more to these cards than just the world's most intense, bloodiest, and naked game of poker. When you take a look at these gorgeously drawn cards, you'll think, but of course! We've got — oh, by the way, SPOILER ALERT if you're not up to date — King Robb Stark (RIP), Khal Drogo and the World's Best Beard (RIP), King Joffrey (RIP), former Queen Cersei, and our jesters are Jaime and Tyrion. Of course, those two aren't really jesters, but they've served as vehicles of entertainment for their sadistic family. And our ace? Arya. Boom. That is so on target.
Check them out below!
Image: Imgur