11 Pizza-Themed Accessories, Because Eating It Just Isn't Enough
Cindy Ord/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images
Pizza is a the greatest food in existence, right? It can be dressed up or dressed down. The topping options are practically endless. It's accessible from almost anywhere. Give me one good reason to not like pizza. Sometimes it is too hot, sure, but other than that, it's the perfect food.
I'll cut myself off before this turns into a love letter. Let me just say that we could all use a little more pizza in our lives, and I've figured out how to do just that with these 11 decor ideas. Delicious!
pizza princess pin
Finally get the royal treatment you deserve with this Pizza Princess pin.
Pizza Princess Pin, $1.50,
pizza t-shirt
Everyone knows the best way to be a fan of something is by wearing it on your shirt.
Pizza T-Shirt, $25,
pizza pizza pizza t-shirt
This shirt makes me think two things. First, oh my god so cute and second, I’ll bet if you say pizza three times in a mirror it will appear.
Pizza Pizza Pizza t-shirt, $24,
instant download pizza card
Express your love for pizza and others instantly with this adorable instant download card.
I Love You More Than Pizza (instant download), $3,
pizza is just a call away print
Never forget that happiness is just a phone call away.
Pizza Print, $12,
pizza cuff links
Cuff links are for business professionals but even Wall Street loves that cheesy goodness.
Pizza Cufflinks, $11,
pizza nail decals
Pizza nails decals may be the most millennial thing I’ve ever typed but who cares, these are great.
Pizza Nail Decals, $6,
pizza sleeping bag
Cozy up at your next sleepover inside a giant slice of pizza. It’s vegetarian too! Sounds like a dream come true.
Pizza Sleeping Bag, $200,
pizza phone case
Good luck fighting off pizza cravings with a delicious looking phone case like this.
Pizza Phone Case, $20,
pizza patch
If only the Girl Scouts could have been cool enough for this patch.
Pizza Patch, $8,