The Badass TED Talk You Need to See (From Iceland!)

Even though Iceland has ranked at the top of the Global Gender Gap Report for the past four years, that doesn't mean this progressive country has gotten everything right in terms of women's equality. Sigríður María Egilsdóttir, an young Icelandic woman, explains why in her TEDx Iceland talk. She blends a powerful personal experience with the "three generations" theory... and asks privileged women living in developed countries to do more for woman all over the world.
Usually, I think TED Talks and TEDx Talks are overrated, but I really liked this one, maybe because it sheds some light on this myth of utopian Nordic societies and also makes it clear how much further we in developed countries have to go to reach actual social equality. I liked Sigríður María Egilsdóttir, too; She's eloquent, passionate, and proud of how far we've come, yet she doesn't shy from clarifying there's still much work to be done.
Photo: TEDx Rekjavik Facebook page