She Takes 2,000 Selfies For Every 1 She Posts
Nicki Minaj just may be the first documented case of selfie OCD. During a recent interview with radio station Power 106, she described her selfie approval regimen, which involves scouring an insane amount of photos for a single Instagram-worthy image. If she's not exaggerating, and really, who's to know, Nicki Minaj admits she takes 2,000 selfies for every one that she posts. Unless she's paparazzi fast with the snaps, she devotes an ungodly amount of time to her Insta-posing.
Let's say it takes seven seconds to take a selfie, look at it, and evaluate its worth. Seven times 2,000, divided by 60 means she spends about 233 minutes, or close to four hours for each pic posted. Hmm. What else could she be doing in the time it takes to snap and view 2,000 photos of herself?
1. Write a rhyme. She just released "Pills N Potions," but since she plans to rap at least until she becomes a mother, she might as well stockpile some bars for when she takes maternity leave.2. Come up with a new alter ego. We’re well-acquainted with Roman and Martha, and although Minaj is currently sporting a more conventional look, there's always room for another facet of her personality. By the time she reinvents herself again, she'll already have another alter ego groomed and prepped for the spotlight.3. Perform, edit and post one of her equally famous twerk videos. On second thought, if she takes this long to post a photo, the scrutiny she gives to a video post might take days. 4. Continue to obsess over Jay Z. Hov's Blueprint albums serve as the inspiration for the title of Minaj's new album The Pink Print.5. Get drunk. Minaj partnered with Myx Moscato last year and recently shot a commercial for the wine brand. Drinking wine sounds way more productive than snapping selfies.6. Pose for some more magazine covers. We've seen her fierce poses on everything from Marie Claire and Allure to Cosmo and even ESPN, though she absolutely hated that one. 7. Give crash courses to Red Lobster waitresses on what not to do. Minaj previously admitted she was canned from the famous restaurant chain. Lose a job, save a job, Nicki.8. Watch a Judge Judy marathon. For whatever reason, Minaj loves Judge Judy. Surely, the lure of the camera lens can't compete with an episode of the fiery judge dismissing defendants. And if Minaj just can't resist the camera, she could settle for posting a selfie while watching Judge Judy. Multi-tasking, anyone?
Cheers to this four-hour selfie, girl:
Image: NickiMinaj/Instagram