All You Need to Know About 'Batman v Superman'

It's been less than year since the world first learned that Warner Bros. was making a sequel to Man of Steel, but it feels like much longer, thanks to the complete unwillingness of the studio and actors to provide any updates about the movie superhero fans are dying to see. Yet a few weeks ago, something must've changed in the filmmakers' minds, as suddenly, new information about the highly anticipated film spilled out practically every other day. First, there was that photo, a black-and-white shot of Batman (Ben Affleck) next to his trusty vehicle; then, there was the exciting news that filming of the movie had begun; and on Wednesday, the biggest update of all came in the form of the release of the movie's title, which the studio revealed was Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice .
Got all that? If you're a little overwhelmed by all the new information, it's understandable; few films receive that much press two weeks before their release, let alone two years. Combined with the few but major details already known about the movie, it might start to feel like a lot to take in. Don't fret, though — we've got you covered. Here's everything you need to know about Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice:
Don't judge the movie's priorities by who got top billing
Although some people might assume that his name coming first in the film's title means that Batman will be the central character, both superheroes have equal priority. In November, Snyder denied claims that the movie would be inspired by the Batman-centric The Dark Knight Returns comic , saying that "if you were going to do that, you would need a different Superman. We’re bringing Batman into the universe that now this Superman lives in." Hear that? The Caped Crusader may get priority in the title, but the movie takes place in Superman's world, not the other way around.
Even if the movie's bad, the cast is great
In addition to Henry Cavill and Affleck, there's returning faces Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne, and Diane Lane, along with franchise newbies Gal Gadot, Jesse Eisenberg, Jeremy Irons and Holly Hunter.
It's trying to be the first summer blockbuster of 2016
Most big summer movies don't come out until the later months, but Batman v Superman has a May 6, 2016 release date. Perhaps the studio thinks that the earlier they release the movie, the more chance it has of actually being good.
It'll finally have Wonder Woman
Gadot, an Israeli actress best known for the Fast and Furious franchise, will play Diana Prince, otherwise known as Wonder Woman. It may not be the spin-off movie fans have hoped to see for years, but it's definitely a start.
Warner Bros. must not have hated Man of Steel like the rest of us
Remember how disappointed everyone was when despite that great trailer, Man of Steel turned out to be horrible? Well, Warner Bros. must've seen a different version than we did, because not only are they letting that Snyder, that film's director, helm Batman v Superman, they've also named him director of the upcoming Justice League movie.
Batman is going to be sad
And "tired, and weary, and seasoned," according to Snyder. That first dark, miserable photo of the hero seems to back that description up.
It's prepping for Justice League
Not so subtle there, are you, Warner Bros.? The movie's title may make you cringe, but at least you know that the studio really is committed to making this Justice League movie we've been waiting for forever finally a reality.
Image: Warner Bros.