What If They Had A '90s Sitcom Spinoff?

What if your favorite traveling duo on Game of Thrones hopped over to the '90s and got a spinoff? You know Brienne and Podrick need a spinoff as it is, so why not make it a '90s style one with a super cheesy theme song that makes you recall Full House? Well, because the Internet is filled with genius ideas, we now have the opening credits to the imagined '90s Game of Thrones spinoff, Bri & Pod .
This duo definitely is pretty fun to watch, and their relationship is markedly different from that other traveling duo, The Hound and Arya. Pod's unyielding loyalty and constant aim to please matched with Brienne's initial distaste for his eagerness, is just why these two are the perfect people to take horse trip together. I would definitely watch a spinoff that focused on the two of them, especially if said spinoff had Ben Hawkey as a supporting character. Yup — in the world of Bri & Pod, Hot Pie makes frequent appearances because hey, it's all about the gravy.
This isn't the first time Game of Thrones has gotten the throwback sitcom treatment, but any lighthearted parody of GoT is always welcome, especially it involves Podrick failing to ride a horse and Brienne's stare that says, "don't mess with me."
Check it out below. You will so dig the cheesy '90s music.
Image: HBO