Kendrick Picks Up the Bottle in 'Happy Christmas'

The only thing worse than thinking about Christmastime on a beautiful spring day like this is thinking about going through a breakup/general life crisis... especially around Christmastime. But leave it to Anna Kendrick to make us look forward to a movie about all of those things. In Anna Kendrick's Happy Christmas — which reunites Anna with her Drinking Buddies director Joe Swanberg — the actress plays Jenny, a twentysomething going through a pretty rough patch (so, basically her twenties) and finds herself single in Chicago, living with her brother (Swanberg) and his family (including Melanie Lynskey as his wife and Joe's adorable real-life son Jude as their baby), and now with something of a drinking problem. But, hey, how bad can things be when Lena Dunham is playing one of your pals, right?
From the looks if things, it seems Anna may spark up a romance with her nephew's babysitter (played by Mark Webber) while she tries to pick up the pieces of her life. Going through a rough patch never seemed so darn charming, eh? The improv-friendly Happy Christmas (it is a Joe Swanberg joint, after all) debuted at this year's Sundance Film Festival to mixed reviews, but you can check out the trailer below and make your own opinion on the latest in the mumblecore genre:
Happy Christmas will become available for download on iTunes on June 26 and later arrives in theaters on July 25.
Image: Magnolia Pictures