The First Photo from 'Star Wars 7' Is Here

Star Wars Episode VII has begun filming on Friday, May 16. The highly anticipated film has had fans of the original two trilogies practically salivating with a desire for more, but the filmmakers are very good at keeping everything tight-lipped despite all the speculation surrounding the project. For example, even though Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, and Harrison Ford were all in London at the same time, their involvement in the movie was not officially confirmed until the Star Wars 7 cast list was announced. Even now that filming on the movie has officially begun, the first picture from the Star Wars set tells us absolutely nothing about the film.
The picture went up on Twitter early Friday morning and quickly spread among the fans, who tweeted things like "It's happening!!!!" and "May the Force be with you, JJ!" in response. The picture itself is just the clapboard with the movie title on it. There's no subtitle to the movie, no further indications as to who is involved in the project, and for those who aren't heavily involved in filmmaking, the scrawled numbers on the clapboard may as well in Chinese. At least we know that filming has officially started, even though the cast list is still said to be incomplete.
Still, a first photo is a first photo and it's more than enough to get true fans excited for now. Keeping everything under wraps as much as possible just makes the final product have that much more impact when the movie actually does come out. All we really need to know is that filming has begun, right? Right?
Check out the picture below.
Image: Lucas Films/StarWars.com