Guess Who's Back on 'The Originals'

Were you shocked to see Rebekah Mikaelson at the end of The Originals ' Season 1 finale on Tuesday night? Well, I was. Back in March, Claire Holt announced that she was taking a hiatus from the series. But it looks like she's back and she wants us all to know it. Holt, who plays the Original sister, took on major part during the finale episode, "From a Cradle to a Grave," when she assumed the role of guardian and surrogate mother to Klaus and Hayley's hybrid baby. Does that mean we'll see the return of "Auntie Bex" during The Originals Season 2 or, perhaps, on The Vampire Diaries? We hope so.
There was nothing more disappointing when The Originals surprised fans with the news that "Farewell to Storyville" was the end of Rebekah Mikaelson's time on the series. Mostly because she was a total badass and she was the Original sibling with the most humanity — not to mention that she never missed an opportunity call Klaus out on being a jerk. There was a giant hole when Holt left the series and damn have we missed her. So, when she turned up Monday night, was forgiven by Klaus, and vowed to protect little Hope Mikaelson until it was safe for her to return to New Orleans, we cheered. Because Auntie Bex was back — but were left wondering whether or not we'd see her again when the show returns in the fall?
It looks like the answer to that question is a resounding yes. On Wednesday afternoon Holt tweeted a photo that more or less confirms she's back at it on The CW series:
I mean, fine — this could be an old photo. But I doubt it. When Holt announced her departure, the actress told TVLine:
As far as I’m concerned, this is a temporary hiatus. I’m taking a little vacation in the sun, but I’m going to return to my New Orleans family.
And she assured fans that the Originals' writers hadn't run out of ideas nor had she been pushed out of the cast. So, there was always a chance that she'd return someday, I supposed — but who knew it'd be so soon? I guess she really couldn't stay away and really didn't plan on letting go of her Mikaelson family just yet.
Now, the important question — will we see Holt on The Originals' second season? I'm going to assume that the answer is "yes." If we base our judgment on Wednesday's tweet (I mean, they don't give special parking to just any actor on a show) and on the fact that she is taking care of that baby, then it's a definite possibility that we'll see more of her. We also need to consider the fact that the New Orleans residents will find a way to defeat Esther before the midseason break, which would make it safe for the baby to return. So, that's a resounding "yes" to Rebekah Mikaelson triumphantly returning to the series.
As for The Vampire Diaries, Klaus advised Rebekah to find a witch she could trust to cast a cloaking spell on her and the baby. Ringing any bells, guys? If Bonnie survives TVD's Season 5 finale, she's a witch that's trustworthy. And I have a feeling that Mystic Falls would be the last place Esther would think to look for the hybrid baby — it's just way too obvious of a place to hide.
In short — yes, people. We're going to see a lot more of Claire Holt and Rebekah Mikaelson come next season of The Originals and we'll possibly see her crossover to The Vampire Diaries as well. And I couldn't be happier about it.
Image: The CW, Fanpop