6 Bachelors Who Are Headed Home ASAP

The new season of The Bachelorette is quickly approaching and with less than a week away ABC has revealed bachelorette Andi Dorfman's 25 eligible bachelors. These are the 25 guys who will go on ridiculous dates with her, travel the world with her, and make her disappointed when one of them inevitably has a secret girlfriend or is just plain "there for the wrong reasons." To get us prepared for the upcoming premiere, ABC had the guys fill out short questionnaires that tell a little (or a lot) about their lives. If it wasn't obvious, this is fantastic news because now we can judge all of the men based solely on things like their three favorites movies, worst date memories, and number of tattoos. Many of the guys give pretty typical answers (which by Bachelorette standards means extremely corny answers), but there are some doozies thrown in there too that give us a pretty good idea of which guys will make it through for several weeks and which guys will be kicked off after the first cocktail party or soon after.
Based only on their ABC bios, here are the six guys who will be heading home early on:
"Do you have any tattoos: You don't put bumper stickers on a Mercedes =). No tattoos but I do think tattoos are cool."
The smiley face says he's kidding. The fact that he's a personal trainer and has that funny hairdo says he's not.
Emil wrote, "I prefer being the center of attention, not sure why. It bothers me when I see other people trying to be the center of attention. But I still enjoy being laid back and just enjoying the company I'm with." This is the man that starts drama with the guys and hides it when he's around Andi. She's smart and she'll figure this out quickly. Need more evidence that this guy is suspish? "Preferred Type of Dancing: Twerking!"
This guy's music tastes are too varied and when you're trying to learn about someone very quickly, your favorite artists being "Toby Keith, Deadmau5, Led Zeppelin" is too confusing to deal with. Sorry, Jason!
"Occupation: Pantsapreneur"
"What is the most romantic present you have ever received and why? My girlfriend was living in China for the summer and surprised me by booking a trip to see me in Boston. She brought with her this amazing custom light-up costume she had made for me for Burning Man. It was so thoughtful."
It's not that anything is wrong with a custom light-up costume for Burning Man, I just don't think Andi will be able to relate.
PS. Pantsapreneur
Josh M.
Solely because of his way too graphic/practical desert island choices.
"If you were stranded on a desert island, what 3 things would you bring with you and why?A woman to be with and to have company, a gun to easily kill animals to eat, and a knife to carve them up."
Nick S.
"Three All-Time Favorite Movies: The Great Gatsby, Goodfellas, The Shawshank Redemption"
The Great Gatsby? Which one? Oh, right. It doesn't matter because they both blow. Plus, he likes Michael Jackson too much.
"If you could have lunch with one person, who would it be and why?Michael Jackson. He was the greatest entertainer of all time. I love him and have since I was super young."
So there you have it! It's possible a couple of these guys could make it through the first rose ceremony, but are they going on Hometowns? No way.
Images: ABC