Some would argue that personal style is something that is learned over countless years of self-exploration and testing out fashion trends, but 4-year-old Ryker would completely disagree. He would say that it's something you're just born with. And born with it, Ryker was. This tiny fashionista is the star of his own fashion blog called Mini Style Hacker. And instead of having a photographer-turned-significant other take his pictures (because that's SO typical), this tiny fashion blogger's pics are snapped by his beloved mama.
While Ryker's swag may look expensive, his mother Colette assures his fans and followers that he's more of a budget fashionista. The whole point of his blog is to "hack" men's high-fashion trends and interpret them into a more relatable way for his fellow kids and toddlers. Ryker not only dresses like a model, but he poses like one, too. And that's no accident — many of his photos are inspired by some of his favorite looks from male models and celebrities, which he likes to photoshop himself side-by-side.
If you haven't already realized, this mini style guru is way ahead of the fashion game. Need more convincing? Here are eight ways this 4-year-old is more fashionable than you.
1. He's Totally Nailed the Baseball Cap Trend
Most people can attest to the fact that incorporating a baseball cap into your outfit in a stylish matter is not an easy feat. Ryker not only seamlessly weaves this blue cap into his already sporty chic ensemble, but his hair looks amazing in it, too.
2. He Wears Leather During Spring
Unsure how to transition your favorite winter/fall leather jacket into spring and summer? This is how it's done. Well played, Ryker.
3. He Does Pharell As Good As Pharell
Pharell is often imitated, but never duplicated. Or at least that's what he thought until this little guy decided to give his style a stab. I'm totally smitten with the entire look.
4. He Has His Own Tailor
If you thought 4-year-olds didn't need custom suits, you were wrong.
5. He Makes Looking As Good As Ryan Gosling Seem Easy
Watch out for this little heartbreaker, kindergarten gals. He's coming for you.
6. He Already Has a Protege
He may be young, but he already has a fashionista-in-training — his little brother Grey.
7. Even When He's On the Move, His Hair and Ensemble Look Totally Put Together
Imagine yourself running to catch the train. Do you look this neat and tidy? I didn't think so.
8. He Celebrates A Great Outfit with Confetti
Putting together the perfect ensemble deserves a celebration. Ryker know's what's up.
Image: MiniStyleHacker/Instagram