If Wes Anderson Directed Porn...

Without a doubt, Wes Anderson sure has a distinct filmmaking style. So what better way to parody his well-known aesthetic than to make a mock porno using all of his favorite techniques? "A Porno by Wes Anderson," brought to you by the funny guys at the Nacho Punch YouTube Channel, mashes up Anderson's Moonrise Kingdom and The Grand Budapest Hotel for a creative and semi-sexy video.
The first chapter in the series, "The Grand Sausage Pizza," stars a character named Sebastian, a pizza delivery guy with a, ahem, "large endowment." He promptly delivers a pizza to apartment 69, where he finds a note on the door allowing him to "cum inside." Well that was subtle.
Sebastian then finds a woman, with a striking resemblance to Suzy from Moonrise Kingdom, inside the apartment, looking through a pair of very large binoculars. While the video is only three minutes long, the awkwardness stuffed into that short window is rather impressive. Any fan of Anderson's flicks (or really anyone who can appreciate some serious sexual innuendo) is sure to find this parody hilarious.
And just wait for the unexpected visitor at the end. You'll be amazed by the uncanny impression of your favorite Midnight In Paris actor. I guarantee it.