Your Meryl Streep Theme Park Is Here

If you were wondering what Billy Eichner's pop culture mania looks like with an increased budget, we've now got our answer: It looks like a Meryl Streep theme-park. In other words: It looks like pure joy.
It should be noted that this particular segment of Billy On The Street doesn't include any of the big celebrity guests that have been landing in headlines recently — at least, not technically. Because there is a lot of Meryl Streep in this segment. Like, Beyonce-at-the-Super Bowl levels of cloning. There's Meryl Streep in Devil Wears Prada, Meryl Streep in Doubt, Meryl Streep in Julie/Julia. It's like what happens when I close my eyes and go to my happy place, basically. And if there's any segment of the show that could at once draw Streep herself to the show and possibly trigger a restraining order, it's this one.
This segment starts out (relatively) calm, with Eichner introducing a woman dressed up as Streep in Doubt to the concept of the Steep trivia relay race he and his crew had set up. This cycles through a few other women dressed as Streep in various roles — impersonators who, I must say, are not adequately caught up on their Streep trivia. Everything escalates pretty damn quickly though, with the whole cast of Meryls and Eichner winding up at a Streepian obstacle course of epic proportions.
If you needed proof that it's Billy Eichner who is the true voice of a generation, look no further than this segment. This is here is the voice of our national id.
Image: Fuse