As fans of Boy Meets World eagerly await the premiere of its sequel series, Girl Meets World, we all seem to be hoping that the two shows have as much in common as possible. Every time another character is spotted on set or confirmed to return, there's immediate excitement. But nostalgia must have made us collectively forget a few things, because there are some moments from Boy Meets World that might be best left in the 90s. Despite all of Mr. Feeny's amazing words of wisdom, Boy Meets World taught us some questionable lessons that probably shouldn't be imparted to the next generation.
Maybe you've even noticed a few, looking back now, at least slightly more grown-up than the first time you watched the show. Have you ever sat down for a rerun and found yourself scratching your head at the episode's big moral or one of Cory's concerns? Much of Boy Meets World still holds up well and most of the episodes are just as enjoyable now as they were in the 90s and early 2000s, but every once in a while, something a little concerning stands out among the Feeny calls and declarations of love.
Here are some of the questionable lessons Boy Meets World taught us.
1) Turn Down an Ivy League for Your Boyfriend
Let's just get this one out of the way. Topanga turning down Yale to propose to Cory at their high school (!!!) graduation and go to the fictional Pennbrook with him was her lowest point. There must've been a better solution the series could've come up with, like Topanga going to UPenn which happens to be minutes away from Pennbrook or literally anything else.
2) Skydiving Will Make Your Father Love You More Than Your Siblings
Somehow, Alan having a different kind of relationship with Cory and Eric and their ensuing jealousy lead to all three Matthews jumping out of a plane and working out their issues. Maybe next time try having the conversation before getting on a plane?
3) Running Your Hands Through Your Hair Instantly Attracts Girls
Sorry Shawn, it's gonna take a little more effort to get someone interested.
4) Parents Are Replacable
Parents can come and go, two, even three times, but boyfriends are forever.
5) As Are Siblings
As long as their hair color stays the same, don't question it.
6) Completely Ignore The Things Your Partner Cares About
Especially during the holidays. Topanga wants a real tree and themed breakfast goods to make Christmas away from her parents less hard? Sorry, but Cory is too afraid of change to let that happen.
7) When People Disappear, Don't Worry About It
Seriously, WHERE IS MR. TURNER?? He took you in, Shawn! Do some investigating!
8) Stalking is Adorable
I know Cory and Topanga were soulmates and all, but following her to Florida was a little much.
9) How to React to Seeing Someone's Butt
Play it cool, Cory. You're like 19 years old.
10) This Is A Normal Thing to Do
How exactly does a seashell remind you of someone? And Angela was usually the most level-headed of the group.
11) Get Married ASAP
"Finally" apparently means in the middle of your sophomore year of college, a year after attempting to elope and finally getting your parents on board.
12) Hate Your Mom For Worrying About Your Future
When your mom expresses disappointment at you secretly eloping right after graduating high school, just yell at her in front of all of your family and friends. She'll get over it in time for the real wedding.
13) Let the Best Man Overshadow the Bride
It was Topanga's day!
14) How to Straighten Your Hair
Maybe you should get your styling advice from Topanga.
15) How To Rock a Ponytail
I take that back, do not get hair advice from anyone on Boy Meets World, under any circumstances.
16) What to Wear
Or fashion advice. The 90s were a dark time.
17) Married People Are Super Lame
Cory and Topanga were definitely lame (in a cute, lovable way) years before they actually tied the knot.
18) Wrestling Rings Are Very Romantic
Your boyfriend can totally make up for missing most of your Sweet 16 by dancing with you in a recently used wrestling ring. There will be so much love in the air you should hardly notice the smell of old sweat.
19) Truman Show-ing Someone Is Possible and Normal
Especially when it's a girl you have a huge crush on and you use your control to let other guys drool over her while recreating a childhood trauma.
20) Don't Consider Your Wife's Opinion on Major Life Decisions
Yeah, who cares about your wife who was given an amazing opportunity, only a few years after turning down another to be with you?!
21) She's Only Worth Thinking About For One Reason
If talking about your wife's boobs with your brother and best friend are what it takes to let her get what she wants, so be it.
22) How to Pronounce Underpants
The "R" will never be heard again.
23) The Best Way to Harass A Senior
Though it was done out of love.
24) What to Do If (You Think) Your Wife is Pregnant
Tell everyone you know without talking to her first, of course! Then help plan a surprise baby shower, still without confirming anything.
25) Shawn Can Never Be Happy
We were one freaking episode away from the finale and Shawn's heart had to be ripped out. He was so close to the happy ending he deserved. Girl Meets World needs to fix that.
26) Poor Grammar
"Don't you mean 'do well?'" If Boy Meets World taught us anything, it's that Mr. Feeny is always right, and there's nothing questionable about that.
Images: ABC, eleventhdoctor/Tumblr, shawnphunters/Tumblr, mashable, fyeahboymeetsworld/Tumblr, allisonyukimura/Tumblr, highherthanmost420/Tumblr, rebloggy, harryjamespotter/Tumblr, a nostalgicnerd/Tumblr, frankiehelps/Tumblr, fyeahboymeetsworld/Tumblr,boymeetsworld-quotes/Tumblr, shawnphunters/Tumblr, comesclean/Tumblr, fanpop, probablestars/Tumblr, whatshouldbetchescallme/Tumblr, rebloggy, amerushgron/Tumblr, teen.com