Everything We Know About 'Star Wars: Episode VII'

With May the Fourth right around the corner, it seems like the geek stars are aligning. The official Star Wars: Episode VII cast was announced yesterday, and nerd staple The Big Bang Theory is airing a Star Wars- themed episode Thursday night.
According to TVGuide, the episode will involve a rather tough Star Wars day on The Big Bang Theory thanks to a "great loss" for the entire group. What could this "great loss" be? Does it have to do with guest star Bob Newhart? Or is something less sinister, like Sheldon's model replica of the Death Star? Naturally, this loss will generate some denial (see: Sheldon's coping mechanism) and some coupling (see: Penny and Leonard's response to everything). But the real question is, with so much new information about the new Star Wars movies swirling 'round the universe, how will the mega-nerds handle the overwhelming relevant subject?
And because you can't lookout for new Star Wars: Episode VII info without having the full deck, here's everything we know about J.J. Abrams new Star Wars movies:
Abrams Cast a Couple N00bs
In addition to Girls ' Adam Driver playing the villain, Drive's Oscar Isaac, Lord of the Rings alum Andy Serkis, and About Time's Domhnall Gleeson, Abrams has cast relative newcomers Daisy Ridley of The Inbetweeners and Attack the Block 's John Boyega as well.
But There Are Also Some Familiar Faces
Before Harry, Hermione, and Ron teamed up; before Bella, Edward, and Jacob brought the supernatural to love triangles; before Katniss, Peeta, and Gale revolutionized Panem; there was the original trio. Before yesterday's casting announcement, we knew that Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill would be back (because they told us), but Harrison Ford's involvement was still just a rumor.
Fans can rest easy knowing that not only is Ford officially returning, but Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniels, and Kenny Baker will be back as Chewbacca, C-3P0, and R2-D2, respectively.
The Cast Needs More Ladies, But Don't Worry — One's On The Way
One of the first things we noticed about the new cast is that, apart from Fisher and Ridley, who has a lead role, the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VII needs more women.
Not to worry: There's still another large female role to be filled, and if the rumors are true, the fabulous Lupita Nyong'o may be tapped for it.
A Lot Of Well-Knowns Were Rumored To Be Joining The Cast
On the list of would-be Star Wars stars is Michael B. Jordan, Jesse Plemons, Benedict Cumberbatch, Gary Oldman, and a handful of others were rumored for the film.
It's Already Started Filming
The new Star Wars is set premiere December 18, 2015 and according to Disney Studios Chairman Alan Horn, this new installment started filming in March.
It takes place 30 years after the end of Return of the Jedi
Given the timing, it's possible that one of the younger actors (probably Ridley) might play Han Solo and Princess Leia's child. If this is the case, given how feisty both Han and Leia were in the original trilogy, we can expect Ridley's character to have a mouth on her.
This'll Be The First Star Wars Movie Not Released In May
The first live-action one, anyway — 2008's animated Clone Wars was released in August.
Images: Lucas Films; Facebook/Star Wars; Tumblr/FuckYeahAnakinSkywalker; ForeverWriters; The Gloss