
Stan Lee Will Keep Cameoing As Long As He Lives

by Alanna Bennett

The tradition continues: Stan Lee's headed to Guardians of the Galaxy for a cameo. Because where superheroes go, Stan Lee inevitably follows. And Marvel — and Lee himself — would have it no other way. Lee is, of course, a comic book legend, having co-created Spider-Man, Hulk, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Iron Man, Hulk, and Thor, to name a few of the more notable ones. He was a big part of what's been referred to as the "Marvel revolution' — the creative push that gave characters like the ones in Lee's comics a sort of flawed humanity and revival to the archetypes that has kept superheroes so captivating over the past half a century.

It only follows, then, that Lee would remain invested in Marvel's takeover of the cinematic universe. And oh boy, has he: He's made cameos in not one but 18 previous comic book movies (at least), from the original run of X-Men and Spider-Man movies to the more recent Avengers and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. At this point it's just a given that if you've got a comic movie with roots linked to Marvel, you've also got a Stan Lee cameo.

So what will his role be in Guardians Of the Galaxy? Apparently something potentially raunchy and potentially uncomfortable. From what he told the audience at a panel for the c2e2 expo:

“I did [the cameo], already. can’t tell you what it is, but I can tell you I do not understand what it was or why I did it. It has me with a girl — a very pretty girl — that’s all I can tell you.”

Welp. Get ready to feel weird.

This is also proof that Lee doesn't just cameo stories with characters he had a hand in creating; as he told Dweebcast a few months back, "I didn’t write Guardians of the Galaxy. I’m not even sure who they all are."