Oliver & Stewart Are Our New Favorite BFF's

There's been a huge teapot-sized hole left in The Daily Show since John Oliver left to host his own HBO talk show Last Week Tonight but thankfully, the show's foremost British Correspondent returned to the Daily Show to give us one last Anglo-fix. Halfway through Thursday's segment about Prince William and Kate Middleton's visit to New Zealand, John Oliver surprise d Jon Stewart . It didn't take long before he and Stewart were back to bantering and mocking each other ruthlessly. And all was right with the world.
Oliver was on the show to promote his upcoming Last Week Tonight — but it appeared he was mostly there to give Stewart a hard time and rub it in how sweet it is on paid cable. Without advertisers, he can say whatever the f---k he wants, or in his own words, "HBO lets me curse my f---ing c-ck off." He also made it a point to call out the incomprehensible dialogue of True Detective's Rust Cohle and the gratuitous nudity on Game of Thrones. As Stewart noted, HBO is, "A wonderland of expletives and a forrest of dongs." Ah, the charmed life of those HBO writers. Such sweet, sweet freedom.
Here's hoping Stewart stops by Last Week Tonight to give Oliver a little taste of his own medicine. Check out the hilarious clip below:
Image: Comedy Central