Will We Ever Get A "Dyke & Fats" Movie?

Last month, Saturday Night Live aired "Dyke & Fats," a hilarious new sketch created and performed by Aidy Bryant and Kate McKinnon. Easily one of the funniest sketches of the evening, which was hosted by Louis C.K., the sketch features Bryant and McKinnon as two fictional '70s era cops: Les Dykawitz and Chubbina Fatzarelli, a.k.a. "Dyke & Fats".
Not only is the sketch hilarious for showcasing the actors' comedy chops, it's also personal. According to McKinnon, who happens to be SNL 's first openly lesbian cast member, the genius sketch was born late one night, deep in the trenches of the SNL writer's room. She told Vulture:
We were both really tired one night […] and I just said to Aidy, 'Man, dyke is tired,' and Aidy said, 'Fats is tired, too.' And then it became our beautiful thing that we had together and we wanted to make something out of it," McKinnon says. They enlisted the help of writers Chris Kelly and Sara Schneider — "who are geniuses," according to McKinnon — and things went from there. "It's something we wanted to do for a long time.
The sketch has gained an incredible amount of positive attention since it first aired, and begs the question: Will we be getting a "Dyke & Fats" movie? PLEASE SAY YES. "My dreams, my wildest dreams", Kate McKinnon says. That's not a "no"!
I think I speak for all SNL fans when I say that a "Dyke & Fats" movie would be the manifestation of our wildest dreams, as well. Kate McKinnon is hands-down my favorite SNL cast member right now, and also my soulmate (she doesn't know this yet). There are a million reasons a "Dyke & Fats" movie can't be made fast enough, but I've narrowed it down to a few:
It would be hilarious
Not to take sides in some kind of "who's the funniest on SNL" debate, but Kate McKinnon and Aidy Bryant are just great. They're consistently funny on their own, they're hilarious together, and if the sketch is any indication, a full-length movie would be GOLD.
It would be subversive
I like my comedy with a healthy side of body-positivity and queer politics. The "Dyke & Fats" sketch works so well because it highlights the politics and views of the creators as they identify themselves.
It would be action-packed
Who doesn't like a buddy cop comedy? Hilarity would no doubt ensue along with some great physical comedy, car chases, explosions, various hijinks, what have you. I smell a summer blockbuster.
It would be created by women
I'll take it a step further: who doesn't like a buddy cop comedy starring two hilarious, smart, accomplished women? I think a "Dyke & Fats" movie might also help put an end to the ridiculous and tedious "are women funny?" debate that continues to circle the internet (the answer? YES. DUH).
It's Dunham-approved
Say what you will about Lena Dunham, she's basically running Hollywood right now, and I'm pretty sure she could get behind "Dyke & Fats: The Movie".
You can watch "Dyke & Fats" here:
Image: NBC